
LIFE is out there just waiting for each of us to take hold of it and allow ourselves to experience whatever we Choose/Desire to experience. Anything and Everything is Possible! It’s time to allow our hearts, minds, and very souls to share and bring to the surface our deepest and even most imaginative dreams that we have buried deep inside ourselves because it seems impossible to ever achieve. The truth is that belief of it being impossible is NOT REALITY! It’s true that it has been reality so far because there has been a key element left out of our equation of who we truly are.

It’s like a chef who desires to make an out of this world meal that will be so delicious and healthy and even healing for everyone who even just tastes it, but because he doesn’t have all the essential ingredients available to him, it doesn’t work. No matter what other ingredients he adds to replace it, nothing else will do but that one ingredient he must have to bring to life what he has envisioned.

This one ingredient for each one of us here on this Earth right now has everything to do with True Ancient Astrology. My research and personl experiences for the past 30 years has continually brought me back to the origin of my Astrological Natal Wheel where at that exact moment of birth the energies of the Cosmos programmed me with specific subconscious and conscious memories and traits to enable me, if I choose, to use those tools as a stepping stone, so I may go beyond that autonomous state to “Finish My Own Creation”. To truly become me and be able to live MY Life beyond what my parents, grandparents, and any of what my Ancestry passed down to me at birth.

Every single individual who is born on this Earth, no matter how long ago, has or had an Astrological Natal Wheel uniquely specific to the date, time, and place they were born.

Whether one believes in reincarnation or the scientific evidence that Dr. Joe Dispenza has spoken of where he explains how every mother to be in her 3rd trimester of her pregnancy downloads trillions of bits of information into the baby’s brain. One bit of information is all of her memories, emotions, etc. that aren’t only from her life, but also all that was downloaded from her mother, her mother’s mother, and so on and so forth, all the way back to the very beginning. Pretty amazingly mind blowing to say the least. Even more amazing is that this can be traced through the individual Astrological Natal Wheels.

The North and South Nodes of the Moon were programmed in us at birth into our subconscious. This is the one area in our whole Natal Wheel where we have freedom of choice, our own will to work through our South Node properly or not. To “Finish Our Own Creation”, which enables the individual to be his or her unique self finally separate from all that was passed down from Father and Mother, and all of the Ancestral Lineage! To create a brand new being from the parts we were given at birth.

I believe each one of us has the ability to literally completely transform our DNA, and the way this is done is through our Nodes of the Moon! I have been studying True Ancient Astrology since the mid 1990’s. Specifically my North and South Nodes of the Moon, which Astrologically speaking, is each and everyone one of our personal work in this life.

For those who don’t know, when you were born there were specific frequencies coming to you from the heavens (the stars/planets) at the exact moment of your birth. The unique individual blueprint is called your Astrological Natal Wheel. This is why a person’s exact time is so crucial because if that is incorrect, it can throw off the accuracy for your Natal Wheel depending on how far off the birth time is. Even if your birth certificate shows a time, it might not be accurate because the Astrological importance is not openly known or taught in the medical professions, at least not in the United States. Even Astrologers here in the United Sates don’t give the time to cover in detail or even at all, the Moons Nodes.

That was so shocking to me, especially when I first began my personal journey over 29+ years ago. That is why I specialize in the North and South Nodes of the Moon. This information is so essential for anyone who is desiring to uncover any and all subconscious blockages. To once and for all end the cycling of the same types of experiences because the program of the South Node makes one automatically feel like they will get their needs met if they go about life in a specific way, like running into a brick wall every time. This is why I started my channel,, and my same passion has inspired me to courageously put in writing my story. “My Life Journey and True Ancient Astrology” is the first book I have ever written, and I hope it assists my readers at least a little further on their personal life journey. I am an Astrologer and Intuitive Reader.